Greetings! The Greensboro Club (SED), under the leadership of President Lisa DeBerry, returns with their 2024 leadership training webinar entitled: "Leading.......Boldly, Purposefully and with Intention," on Saturday, August 17, 2024, from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm (EST) via Zoom.
This free and interactive training session is open to all NANBPWC, Inc. members; therefore, we are asking for your assistance in sharing this document with your NANBPWC, Inc. District club presidents and leaders/members. We hope that all members nationwide will ultimately receive our invitation.
The facilitators are Marie E. Castillo, Past National President, and Cheryl McKay, Past National Director of Education. A few of the topics that will be included are policies and procedures, communications, officers’ roles and responsibilities, parliamentary procedures, membership recruitment, partnerships/grant opportunities, and best practices for programming.
Participants will have the unique opportunity to learn and engage with our very special guest presenter, our own Greensboro Club President, Lisa DeBerry, along with some of the NANBPWC, Inc.'s top leaders, to include:
Diane E. Toppin, 23rd National President (NED)
Peola Smith-Smith, 20th National President (NED)
Beverly Wallace, Immediate Past National Recording Secretary (SED)
Crystal R. Taylor, Past National Tech Institute Chair/ Maumee Bay Club President (NCD)
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Marie E. Castillo at 336-404-7709 or via email at
NOTE: This free session is open to new club leaders or leaders who need a refresher nationwide. All participants will receive downloadable resources to support their respective NANBPWC, Inc. leadership roles.